Letter from the Founder
Dear Denim Day Community,
Denim Day, Peace Over Violence’s sexual violence prevention and education campaign, continues to grow and reach more and more communities. The COVID-19 pandemic demanded of us to slow down for the past 12 months, but it did not stop our movement from growing stronger. The past year has reminded us all about the importance of building strong networks of solidarity and support, pushing us to continue to educate on the issues of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and rape as systemic problems that continue to play a critical role in the suffering of people in our families, institutions and communities.
Patti Giggans
Denim Day Founder & Executive Director of Peace Over Violence
At Peace Over Violence, our work has been rooted in the principle of “believing” for fifty years. Believe Survivors for us is our call to action to move us beyond the idea of survivors coming out of the shadows, it is a rallying cry that as society we need to listen to and acknowledge survivors’ stories. So whether you are an advocate at a local rape crisis center, an educator or student, a community member, a college student, a teacher, an elected official, a business leader, a parent — the list is endless(!) — we welcome you to take action with us as we renew our commitment to support your efforts to end sexual violence.
Over the last 22 years, we have witnessed and heard the stories of the work being done by survivors, allies and leaders across sectors from around the world. The Denim Day campaign that began at our community-based organization in Los Angeles, Peace Over Violence, has grown to reach millions worldwide. Our work has been focused on translating the belief in survivors into concrete progress that relates to a structural and policy shift, while also revisiting our education in terms of power, consent, roots of violence, oppression and gender by challenging what has been ingrained in us. It’s a long road ahead but our conversations are our starting point. Denim Day calls on us all to show up for survivors, to challenge rape culture and victim blaming, and to bring education everywhere and to everyone!
Sexual violence is an intersectional and urgent social justice issue. To truly end it we cannot separate it out from racial and ethnic justice, economic justice, disability justice, gender justice, etc. There are still many dots to connect and complexities to appreciate. That’s what makes Denim Day a vibrant opportunity to focus on including ALL survivors and support the growing efforts for equity and justice.
Millions and millions of people across the world have shown up for survivors by joining Denim Day, hosting rallies and forums and challenging the harmful beliefs that surround sexual violence. If you haven’t already, we invite you to download our Denim Day Action Kit to obtain campaign logos, text, social media tools and strategies to drive change in your community. We support all the efforts to use this campaign and its materials to raise funds for local services that support rape survivors.
From now until Denim Day, and beyond, gear up! Build your campaign, talk to friends, family, and decision makers. Wear jeans with a purpose, as a visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual assault. There is No Excuse and Never An Invitation to Harass, Abuse, Assault, Rape.
A Special Note to Survivors, From Patti Giggans
And now, to you my friends and siblings in the movement, I get to turn my focus to you — the bravest people I know.
To start off I would like to say how honored I am to work alongside you. I know so much work has been done and that we unfortunately continue to carry the burden of having a long way ahead of us before we achieve justice for ourselves and our communities. I hope that in the 22 years of history, Denim Day in some way supported and comforted you when you needed it. It has been my privilege to build community with you, and my privilege to draw public attention to survivors' needs.
You are loved. You are worthy and precious.
I support you.
I stand with you.
You and your experience matter - regardless of whether you speak of it or not.
You deserve justice.
What happened to you is not your fault.
I believe you.
Patti Giggans
Denim Day Founder & Executive Director of Peace Over Violence