Denim Day Archive: The NO EXCUSES campaign
The hallmark message of the Denim Day campaign is: There is No Excuse and Never an Invitation to Rape. This clear and direct statement has stayed relevant over the last 22 years and has helped us shape our campaign year after year, staying both true to its roots and allowing us to relate our messaging to current events and happenings.
One of the ways we did this is with our NO EXCUSES campaign. Started in 2009, the campaign was a means to highlight some of the many excuses that were part of the common narrative surrounding sexual violence. These excuses were vehicles used to justify or “excuse” sexual assault by perpetuating victim blaming in our communities. The first of which is the excuse that inspired Denim Day itself: SHE WAS WEARING TIGHT JEANS.
Each excuse featured a picture along with the excuse, and then an explanation of the reasoning behind it and information refuting it. We started with ten excuses, and every year added a new one - often partnering with organizations working on particular issues - and adding to the catalogue. The campaign was a means to start conversations about these commonly used excuses and call attention to the myths surrounding sexual assault. We used these as educational tools to help to make sexual assault and issues surrounding it more accessable and relatable.
We archived this campaign a few years ago and it remains a valuable part of our campaign, informing as it continues to grow and change. We have made it fully downloadable on our website for continued use and inspiration.