Sexuality is complicated; there are many factors to consider.
- Feeling of closeness
- Kindness, consideration, appreciation and support
- Takes time to build
- Ability to control one’s decisions without interference
- Ability to make sexual decisions without pressure or influence
- Willing participation
- Free from intimidation, manipulation or fear
- Active process that involves choice
- Knowing that your partner is being honest
- Knowing that you can be honest with your partner
- Feeling safe and confident that your partner will respect your decisions
- Shared experience of commitment and intimacy
- Inclusive decision-making process
- Reciprocal and reciprocated
- Being truthful about past sexual experiences and current relationship status
- Informing partner of sexually transmitted infections
- Being truthful about relationship intentions
- Open exchange of information between individuals
- Two-way street -- involves listening and responding
- Open communication that increases connection
- Acknowledge our own and our partner’s inherent value
- Hold others in high esteem
- Act in a manner that contributes to the well being of everyone
Adapted from the Power and Control Wheel, developed at the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, Minnesota.