Dollars for Denim
If you live in Los Angeles
If you’re in Los Angeles or the West San Gabriel Valley, invite Peace Over Violence to give a presentation on sexual violence prevention via video conference. If you’re not in LA, contact your local rape crisis center.
Donate to Peace Over Violence:
Peace Over Violence is a Los Angeles based sexual and domestic violence prevention center building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence. We have been leading the movement in the United States for 49 years with our combination of innovative and comprehensive trauma-informed and survivor-centered programs, changing the landscape of emergency, intervention and prevention services.
Your support ensures that we can to provide access for sexual assault survivors, from our 24-hour hotline’s operations, to free counseling and healing services, legal and support groups, youth violence prevention and engagement.
Donate online at
Mail donations to:
Peace Over Violence
Attn: Laureen O'Hara
1015 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Make checks payable to Peace Over Violence