To me, Denim Day means healing.
I am a survivor of sexual violence. It was not my fault. And it’s not my burden to carry.
Last year, my life and the life of my family changed forever. For 12 years, starting at the age of three, I was molested by someone in my family. For years I thought that it was my fault and that if I ever told anyone about what he did, I would get in trouble. I mustered up the courage to tell him to stop, and I never spoke of my encounters with anyone else - until last year. At the POV Denim Day Rally in 2018, for the first time, I spoke out against the person who abused me. For too long, I didn’t think I could make a difference. I know now that nothing could be further from the truth. Through this freedom from sharing my story, I’ve been able to blend my passion for modeling with my purpose of service, while at the same time, bringing myself healing from my trauma.
“My participation in Denim Day marked the beginning of healing and wholeness within me and for so many others. Speaking out broke the cycle of silence in my family.”
The 19th Annual Denim Day was my first Denim Day experience, and not only did I share my story, but I was also the model for the official campaign poster. My experience with the campaign has meant more to me than I can put into words. My participation in Denim Day marked the beginning of healing and wholeness within me and for so many others. Speaking out broke the cycle of silence in my family. Through my bravery and participation in Denim Day I can see the direct impact it has had on my healing and the healing of others.
To me, Denim Day means healing. It signifies rebirth. Life after a trauma you never imagined yourself recovering from. Denim Day means the world to me because it has forever changed my world and the world has a whole! Thank you Peace Over Violence and thank you Denim Day for being the catalyst for my healing!
-Danah Cleaton